Concrete Overlays & Resurfacing
Vector applies overlays to resurface deteriorated floors that vary from several inch thick structural toppings to thin 1/4 inch thick polymer concrete overlays. Bonded overlays can be installed on new precast slabs to increase the load carrying capacity of the slab, or can be installed on top of repaired/patched concrete slabs to extend the durability of the repairs. In order for concrete overlays to perform as required, specially formulated shrinkage compensated, latex modified, high density, low slump concrete can be used. Thin systems provide resurfacing without adding much weight to the existing slab and can be trowel applied, spray applied, or self leveling. Specialized iron-aggregates overlays can be used for high impact and abrassion resistance. Vector has years of expertise in the selection of the most suitable materials and equipment for your application. In combination with the other technologies that we have mastered, Vector can be your single source contractor for all your concrete problems.
- Bridges
- Parking Structures
- Buildings
- Chemical Plants
- Steel Plants
- Mining and Refining
- Will extend the life of the structure
- Economical repair when compared with the replacing slab option
- High performance wearing surface
- Corrosion protection by slowing down penetration of salts into the structure