Specialized Repair
This includes repairs where specialized methods are used for concrete repair, such as a fast sealing mortars, acid resistant mortars and coatings and other special methods. Vector Construction has the in-house expertise and equipment to offer innovative solutions, and completing the most challenging concrete repairs in time and on budget. Many of our projects are completed during short plant shutdowns when there is no time for the use of conventional repair methods or materials. Some of the specialized repair techniques may include hydro demolition, surface preparation using high pressure water blasting, concrete pours with pre-placed aggregate, tremie concrete, shotcrete repair, work with cofferdams, overhead pumping of concrete into suspended forms, and the use of a wide variety of fast setting or other special performance repair materials.
- Bridges
- Pulp and Paper Industry
- Chemical Plants
- Mining and Refining
- Steel Plants
- Hydro Electric
- Quick results, reducing plant downtime
- Cost effective when compared with conventional solutions available
- High performance repairs
- Aid Resistance
- Abrasion Resistant